A Mind at Sea
Duranka Perera Duranka Perera

A Mind at Sea

The difficulties of acute psychiatry overnight in A&E

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On Expiration And Preparation
Duranka Perera Duranka Perera

On Expiration And Preparation

I think we can all agree that living and breathing coronavirus news every day is boring - especially since the 23rd March when lockdown basically started. What is perhaps less boring, and more frightening, is the fact that health professionals are having to rely on PPE from a pandemic stock acquired in the aftermath of 2009’s swine flu that is, as of the latest Channel 4 report, 45% expired.

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The Sound of Silence
Duranka Perera Duranka Perera

The Sound of Silence

I go to work expecting the crush of winter, an everyday struggle to see patients, to move them on and beat the targets that have terrorised A&E since the Tony Blair administration of the 1990s.

Now I see silence.

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The Assistant
Duranka Perera Duranka Perera

The Assistant

There used to be an orangutan plush in Paediatrics A&E. The HCAs called him King Louie, and he was the greatest assistant ever.

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The Doctor Falls/The People Rise
Duranka Perera Duranka Perera

The Doctor Falls/The People Rise

Ours is the first hospital in the UK to have a doctor die from COVID-19. It’s not officially a confirmed case, but all the signs were there. The result, as a relative puts it, is academic.

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The Test of Love
Duranka Perera Duranka Perera

The Test of Love

I feel like a soldier not in the sense that I am in immediate danger of having my guts blown out (though let’s not talk about my lungs), but in the ways that I’ve been kept from my other half - be it by the existing distance or by this enforced quarantine.

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Massed Ranks
Duranka Perera Duranka Perera

Massed Ranks

I feel like a bad soldier. I was exposed through incorrect triage to a sick patient who is highly likely to test positive. Since I developed a cough very soon after, I have self-isolated, but this has come just as the death rate has started to accelerate, just as the wave is about to crash.

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A Crisis of Empathy
Duranka Perera Duranka Perera

A Crisis of Empathy

We as medics are taught to be empathetic to a fault, but when fault lines appear in society’s fabric, such as those torn by coronavirus, where is that empathy going to go except down into the cracks.

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Duranka Perera Duranka Perera


On the frontlines, compared to other developed nations, our supplies are merely ‘adequate', ‘appropriate'‘…

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